Friday Introductions

Happy Friday all! It’s been a minute with all the recent summer vacations and travel. Hope everyone is soaking up these last few weeks of summer! 🌞

I’ve been wanting to take some self portraits for a while now since I’m still using my wedding photo 🤦🏻‍♀️ and finally made it happen!

So here I am, hi 👋🏻! For those who don’t know me, I’m Ellie, a newborn/family photographer in Harford County. I’m a wife to my incredible hubby, who continues to amaze me with his skills to fix anything (recently brought our tv back to life…phew). mama to my lil guy Oliver who will be 3 before we know it 😭, and cat mama to Trevor and Milo 🐈🐈.

A few of my favorite things:
long hikes—sea shell hunting—live music—a great book—wine tasting—puzzles—beach days—traveling (especially to Italy)—family picnics—drawing—jamming on guitar/violin—visiting national parks—visits with family and friends

What are some of your favorite things to do or places to go?

Looking forward to all the hustle and bustle of the fall, and hopefully seeing you all for some fun sessions!

Just a side note, be on the look out for some posts on upcoming mini sessions (sunflowers will be announced sometime in September and hashing out Christmas tree mini’s!).
